How to Create a Chatbot with ChatGPT on Chaterimo in 4 Easy Steps

The age of artificial intelligence is upon us, and businesses globally are harnessing its power to enhance customer experiences. Chaterimo, a cutting-edge platform, integrates the formidable capabilities of ChatGPT to provide a top-notch customer service solution. More about Advantages of ChatGPT for websites.

If you are looking to elevate your websites user engagement with a responsive and intelligent AI chatbot, you are in the right place. Here’s a concise guide to help you set up your ChatGPT chatbot on Chaterimo in just four simple steps:

The 4 steps are these:

  1. Signup to Chaterimo.
  2. Create knowledge base.
  3. Train your chatbot.
  4. Integrate html snippet.

Now lets dive into more detail steps, so that you know what you can do additionally:

1. Sign Up

  • Head over to Chaterimo’s website.
  • Click on the "Signup" button located in the upper right corner. Fill in the necessary details.
  • A control token will be dispatched to your email. Insert this token on the subsequent page to complete your registration.
  • For starters, you can opt for the Free plan to test out the service. Later, you can navigate to the pricing section and choose from the available plans. As your requirements grow, you can upgrade to more advanced plans offering additional features and allowances.

2. Create knowledge base

  • Either you decide to scrape your data from your page, or you can simply copy and paste it and save it in data sets.
  • You can edit, update or delete your knowledge-base everytime you want. These data are completely under your control.

3. Train your chatbot

  • When satisfied with created knowledge base, its time to train a AI chatbot. This ensures that your chatbot has a comprehensive grasp of your content.
  • Before deploying the chatbot, you will have an opportunity to test its responses. This crucial step ensures the bots replies are accurate, contextually relevant, and free from potential issues before production.

4. Integrate ChatGPT with Your Website

  • Once satisfied with your chatbot’s performance, embed the chat-widget on your site with unlocked HTML snippet. This tool will interact with your visitors in real-time, guiding them, answering inquiries, and offering tailored assistance.
  • You can change appearance of this chat-widget any time you want to correspond with your brand design. With higher paid plan you can unlock more features, like option to create more multilingual chat-widgets with different parameters.
  • Continually monitor your chatbots interactions to glean insights into user behaviors and needs.
  • Utilize the feedback and data to refine and improve your chatbot’s responses, ensuring that it remains a powerful tool for customer service and engagement.


In the modern digital age, offering exceptional customer service can set you apart from competitors. With platforms like Chaterimo, integrating advanced AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT into your website has never been more straightforward.

By following these four easy steps, you can revolutionize your website’s user experience, driving engagement, satisfaction, and business growth. So, what are you waiting for? Join the AI revolution with Chaterimo and discover the potential of intelligent customer service.

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